hentakkan kaki anda kat sini erk ;p

" For whatever I might be facing today , i believe Allah is with me and insyaAllah everything is gonna be fine."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

1st belogwalking

Hahahaha... Aku ni nak kata lame pom tak, nak kata baru pom tak berblogging ni,,, tapi tak ada mase lorh nak belogwalking... busy ngan study hehehe...biasa la bile bercite-cite mau mendapat ANUGERAH DEKAN ni kena la study lebih sikit... heeeeeee syok jugak belogwalking ni... uishhhh jumpa bermacam-macam jenis belog... sume shomey-shomey,... tak cam belog aku ni... suram suriram jep hahaha.... Ni antara belog-belog yang aku suke :
  1. http://diarylovelisa.blogspot.com/
  2. http://ezmaliza.blogspot.com/
  3. http://memorianna.blogspot.com/
Haaaaaaaa da la belog dorang shomey,,, tuan empunye belog pom cute giler.... giler-giler cute... sesungguhnye ciptaan Tuhan sangat-sangat sempurna :))))..... Sangat-sangat syok berbelogwalking ngeeeeeeeeeee~ ~ ~ ~...


Anonymous said...

hihihi.... Btol 2..blog dorang mmg bes...
Erm.. mcm knal ajer... ;) Jumper kite kat sini yer.. hihi.. ok.. by the way... folo kamu sudah dear~~!!

Ain Shakirah said...

hehehe sgt2 kenal la... terjupe jugak kte kat cni yep.... thnks ye kak naa coz sudi folo sy jugak heeeeeee :)